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Scene of Norman Bethune in China taken from Chinese printed poster
Graduation portrait of William Davis
Graduation portrait of Margaret Atwood
Graduation portrait of Michael Ondaatje
Graduation portrait of Norman Jewison
Eric Aldwinkle and Morley Callaghan autographing copies of "The Varsity Story"
Scene of Norman Bethune in China taken from Chinese printed poster
Chinese printed poster depicting scenes from the life of Norman Bethune
Chinese printed poster depicting scenes from the life of Norman Bethune
Scene of Norman Bethune in China taken from Chinese printed poster
Scene of Norman Bethune in China taken from Chinese printed poster
Scene of Norman Bethune in China taken from Chinese printed poster
Alumni Debate and awards
Engineering Alumni Association Reunion Dinner 1968
Northrop Frye speaks to Alumni
School of Library Science Alumni Association - Third Bertha Bassam Lecture in Librarianship
Homecoming - float parade and displays
Fundraising - United Appeal lunch
University College - Alumnae symposium.
National Fund - Portrait of Prof. Nettie D. Fidler
